
Know What We Do

Our Services

Due Diligence

Investiga Risk Solutions undertakes non-financial in-depth due diligence research and analysis for all business matters, ranging from initial public offerings, mergers and acquisitions and ultimate beneficial ownership etc to addressing specific areas/issues of concern. 

The key element of our enhanced due diligence offering is to gather intelligence in relation to track record, reputation, integrity as well as associations among others so as to identify potential third-party risks and red flags – be it reputational, operational, legal, regulatory or financial, minimise uncertainty and enable clients to make informed business decisions. 

The scope of our investigation can be customized to match the risk profile and business needs of respective clients.

Source of Wealth

Financial institutions are expected to establish and corroborate the origin and legitimacy of their customers’ wealth and funds.

By identifying and conducting due diligence on sources of wealth and/or income, Investiga Risk Solutions can support clients in meeting regulatory requirements and mitigating any risks that may be associated with financial crimes. While it is not a straightforward process to uncover the activities that generate an individual’s net worth, source of wealth research may reveal the following:


Screening is the cornerstone of any effective due diligence program notwithstanding the nature of the business. Investiga Risk Solutions offer cost-effective, high-quality and time-sensitive screening solutions tailored in scope based on client requirements, risk exposure and specific areas/issues of concern e.g. political exposure, bribery and corruption risks and sanctions risk. A review of new and/or existing customers, third parties, business partners and even key appointments/hires can safeguard clients’ reputation and ensure regulatory compliance. Research areas may include the following:

Make Compliance Your Priority

Steer clear of unknown risks

Investiga Risk Solutions offers KYC/AML risk solutions approved by local and international regulators. Your KYC/AML compliance is our priority. Contact our experts to learn more about our solutions.

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